Irish Election Lessons from the US
So tonight, depending on your view point, very fine people or conspiracy theorist will cast their vote in what has been billed as the most important election since the last hyped critical election. The choice between the candidates depends deeply upon your own viewpoint, one thing is becoming evidently clear - Democrat or Republican - its very tribal.
The current president Joe Biden will probably tucked up in bed, still bitter at the bloodless coup that ended his hopes of a second term. President Biden, from the little heard from him since his debate failure, still believes he can beat Donald Trump, and his “garbage” gaff has lead many to believe he wants Kamala Harris to fail.
Viewing the news media during this election cycle, and the many of the 50 elections to happen this year, it is being evident how the mainstream media is entrenched for there side, and in most cases, the left of centre parties.
This bias is natural, as presenters with large following social media accounts pontificate their believed importance to tell the masses how to vote. Their political position is formed in the educational system, which has been producing a similar type of view point without debate for generations.
Any viewpoint outside of these views has the most handiest “ism” thrown at the group or individual, and when this is not enough, then extreme left/right moniker is attached so the status quo can be kept.
Seeking information in contrast to the mainstream media, alternative views are gained from social media, podcasts etc. Feeling threatened that their words are not being heeded by viewer, mainstream media works to discredit this narrative.
Hence the evidence from the US election. Each side claiming the other is worse, and a media playing up to there own agenda.
By the early hours of the morning - America will have decided. If Kamala Harris wins, many will breath a sigh of relief. If Donald Trump triumphs to a second term, do not think ill of the people of America for their choice of President. There is a simple logic to why he will be elected.
In 2019, approaching the end of Trump’s first term in office, I was in Wapakoneta, Ohio. This brief overnight stop in the town which gave us the first man on the moon - Neil Armstrong, gave me an enlightening moment in a Waffle House that made me understand the Donald Trump appeal.
During a quiet shift, whilst I ate pie and enjoyed the American service of a never ending cup of coffee, the part-time cook, part-time waitress told me how she was wealthier than ever before, and how President Trump made her feel proud to be an America!
This week in Ireland, we expect to be told when our next election is. My commitment as a believer in true democracy is to add a left of centre and a right of centre media outlet to my diet of mainstream media so I get a complete rounded view to make an informed choice this election.
And if Dustin the Turkey is running for a Dail seat, and promises to make me wealthier - he just might get my vote!